Friday, February 24, 2012

Avoiding Divide by Zero in Report

What is the experession to evaluate if the result of a computation would be a divide by zero error for a text box in report?

IIF(divide by zero, display nothing, else display computed result)...?

you should actually use it in your query,but...

=iif(value1 = 0 or value2=0,0, value1/value2)

where the values are the values your dividing by.

it's much easier to do it in sql though...

|||I'd recommend either doing it in your Stored Procedure or creating a function to handle it. You don't want to be putting that expression in every sell in which you're doing division.

You can create a function like the one below and place it in the Report code block or put it in an assembly and reference the assembly in the report.

Public Function CalcAvg(dblNum As Double, dblDen As Double) as Object

if (dblDen = nothing) or (dblDen = 0)
CalcAvg = 0
CalcAvg = dblNum / dblDen
end if

End Function|||

I have this code in my Code section

Code Snippet

Public Shared Function DivideXbyY(ByVal X As Decimal, ByVal Y As Decimal) As Decimal
DivideXbyY = IIF(Y=0, 0, X / IIF(Y=0, 1, Y))
End Function

then I call it in the Table/Matrix

Code Snippet


|||Thanks guys, your responses are very helpful and much appreciated.

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