Thursday, March 29, 2012

Backing Up sql server

Hey, please forgive me if my infomation source was incorrect. But a friend of mine mentioned to me he had hurd of a program, or code that will make an "install script" of your database. Basically it`ll back up all the tables on your server and if the worst case senario happens then you can run the file like an install script. Is this true? It sounds invalueable! If it isnt true, can someone tell me if it is possible to use code to create a "install script" of your own database? I am using "Microsoft SQL Server".

Thanks in advance John

It's called Enterprise Manager and the documentation is in Books Online. You installed both when you installed Microsoft SQL Server.


|||Your firend is right. This is possible to make database backup by scripts. :)|||

so its already installed with Microsofts SQL server?

It is possible to make a page on your site, (that only Admin can access) to create a backup using "Enterprise Manager"

Im finding it hard to find any infomation on Enterprise Manager on MSDN, or am I looking in the wrong place? thanks si!

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