Sunday, February 19, 2012

Averaging the Averages

I need to average the resulting averages from the query below
This query gets the averages for each TowerNumber.
SELECT LocationID, SystemID, TowerNumber, COUNT(TowerNumber) AS
CountEntriesPerTowerNumber, AVG(SupplyCalciumHardness * 1.00)
AS AvgSupplyCalciumHardness
FROM tblTowers
WHERE (ReadingDate BETWEEN @.BeginningDate AND @.EndingDate) AND (SystemID
= @.SystemID) AND
(LocationID = @.LocationID)
GROUP BY LocationID, SystemID, TowerNumber
What I really want is the average of the averages for
AVG(SupplyCalciumHardness * 1.00).
Something like this AVG(AVG(SupplyCalciumHardness * 1.00))
TowerNumber AvgSupplyCalciumHardness
1 14
2 18
3 7
4 8
Sum of averages = 47
Avg of Avg = 47 / 4 = 11.75
How can I do this?
ThanksOn Wed, 19 Oct 2005 14:41:55 -0500, "Craig" <>
>I need to average the resulting averages from the query below
>This query gets the averages for each TowerNumber.
>SELECT LocationID, SystemID, TowerNumber, COUNT(TowerNumber) AS
>CountEntriesPerTowerNumber, AVG(SupplyCalciumHardness * 1.00)
> AS AvgSupplyCalciumHardness
>FROM tblTowers
>WHERE (ReadingDate BETWEEN @.BeginningDate AND @.EndingDate) AND (SystemID
>= @.SystemID) AND
> (LocationID = @.LocationID)
>GROUP BY LocationID, SystemID, TowerNumber
J.|||That comes up with 13.25, the correct answer is 11.75, so that doesn't work.
Any other idea?
"jxstern" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 19 Oct 2005 14:41:55 -0500, "Craig" <>
> wrote:
>>I need to average the resulting averages from the query below
>>This query gets the averages for each TowerNumber.
>>SELECT LocationID, SystemID, TowerNumber, COUNT(TowerNumber) AS
>>CountEntriesPerTowerNumber, AVG(SupplyCalciumHardness * 1.00)
>> AS AvgSupplyCalciumHardness
>>FROM tblTowers
>>WHERE (ReadingDate BETWEEN @.BeginningDate AND @.EndingDate) AND
>>= @.SystemID) AND
>> (LocationID = @.LocationID)
>>GROUP BY LocationID, SystemID, TowerNumber
> J.
>|||On Wed, 19 Oct 2005 15:14:44 -0500, "Craig" <>
>That comes up with 13.25, the correct answer is 11.75, so that doesn't work.
>Any other idea?
You can always store the first set of results to a temp table and then
run an average on them before returning them as a set.
LocationID, SystemID, TowerNumber,
COUNT(TowerNumber) AS CountEntriesPerTowerNumber,
AVG(SupplyCalciumHardness * 1.00) AS AvgSupplyCalciumHardness
INTO #mytemp
FROM tblTowers
WHERE (ReadingDate BETWEEN @.BeginningDate AND @.EndingDate)
AND (SystemID = @.SystemID)
AND (LocationID = @.LocationID)
GROUP BY LocationID, SystemID, TowerNumber
SELECT avg(AvgSupplyCalciumHardness) as avgavg
from #mytemp
Or, if ALL you want is the average-average, or you don't mind
computing everything twice, something like:
SELECT avg(AvgSupplyCalciumHardness) as avgavg
LocationID, SystemID, TowerNumber,
COUNT(TowerNumber) AS CountEntriesPerTowerNumber,
AVG(SupplyCalciumHardness * 1.00) AS AvgSupplyCalciumHardness
FROM tblTowers
WHERE (ReadingDate BETWEEN @.BeginningDate AND @.EndingDate)
AND (SystemID = @.SystemID)
AND (LocationID = @.LocationID)
GROUP BY LocationID, SystemID, TowerNumber
) x
But for all I know, that may come out 13.25, too. Got some rounding
issues there, may need to cast to int to make them consistent.
Since the intermediate values you list are all ints, should the "real"
answer be 11, or 11.75, or 12?
Inquiring minds ...
You may need to use decimal as data type instead of int. I test the
following code and it works fine:
create table avgt
(colID decimal,
colNo decimal)
insert into avgt values (1, 1)
insert into avgt values (1, 2)
insert into avgt values (1, 3)
insert into avgt values (1, 1)
insert into avgt values (1, 1)
insert into avgt values (1, 1)
insert into avgt values (2, 1)
insert into avgt values (2, 2)
insert into avgt values (2, 3)
select avg(avg1) from
select colID, avg(colNo) as avg1 from avgt
group by colID) as x
I hope the information is helpful.
Sophie Guo
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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