Thursday, March 22, 2012

Backing up and Truncating a transaction log in SQL

I have a transaction log on on of my databases that is very big, and I need to backup the logs and truncate them to get some free disk space. The backup of the log needs to be placed on one of my remote backup servers. I would like to perform this task in SQL so I can put the code in a scheduled job. Thanks in advance for any help.Let me know if you mange to arrive at a defined process !!!
I do have the same issue|||Do you care about what is in the log? What I mean is do you think you will have to recover from the log backup or not? If not, you can just dump it without creating a backup file. Then you can shrink the log file using DBCC Shrinkfile.|||My company likes to keep a backup of all logs no matter what for auditing purposes.|||You need to set up a shared folder in the reomote server and run the following script,

BACKUP LOG mydb TO DISK = '\\remoteservername\sharedfoledername\mydb_log_bac kup' WITH INIT, NOUNLOAD, NAME = 'mydb_log_backup', NOSKIP , STATS = 10, NOFORMAT|||Would that script also truncate the logs, or do I have to run BACKUP LOG DB WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY afterwards. Also what extension do I use for the backup log file. Example: DB_Logs_2003.bak. Is that OK? Thanks for all you help so far.|||??!! That's what I was asking you about. 'With Truncate only' will only dump the log for you without actually backing up the log for you. If you need keep the backup file then you should not use that option. The script DOES backup. Extension doesn't matter.|||Oh! I see what you are saying. Now I fully understand. Thanks for all the help.

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