Sunday, March 25, 2012

Backing Up Data

I have a MSSQL database supplied by my web host. I'd like to be able to perf
orm periodic backups (1 or more times a week). The database is small and I h
ave a fast connection so the speed isn't a problem. I would like the backups
to be automated. I have a
linux server where I'd like to store the data, I'm not sure if this can be d
one? How do users backup?
Please refer to the BOL on BACKUP DATABASE databasename TO......
"Dianne" <> wrote in message
> Hello
> I have a MSSQL database supplied by my web host. I'd like to be able to
perform periodic backups (1 or more times a week). The database is small and
I have a fast connection so the speed isn't a problem. I would like the
backups to be automated. I have a linux server where I'd like to store the
data, I'm not sure if this can be done? How do users backup?
> Thanks
> Di|||hi dianne,
you can automate backup process using Enterprise manager.
open enterprise manager,click on the any user database. go to the Tools menu
, click on
database maintenance planner. click next, check the required database you wa
nt. click next 2
times(since they are not specific to backup) you will come to a screen "spec
ify the database
backup plan". you can specify the destination as tape or disk. on the same s
creen you will get
an option to schedule(click the required frequency). click next, here you ca
n specify the
directory to which backup file will go. on the next screen if required sched
ule "tran. log"
This way you can automate the database backup using Enterprise manager.
Never done above process, so you may have to take care of some OS level util
ity to transfer
backup files to linux server.
Vishal Parkar|||Hi,
1.Execute the BACKUP database command to backup the database to SQL server
local hard disk drive
2. Using FTP send the Backup file to Linux machine
How to automate
1. Using OSQL -Usa -Ppassword -Sserver -Q"backup database dbname to
disk='c:\backup\dbanme.bak' with init'
2. FTP the dbname.bak file to Linux server ip.
You can put the avobe 2 in a batch file and schedule it thru SQL agent ..
"Dianne" <> wrote in message
> Hello
> I have a MSSQL database supplied by my web host. I'd like to be able to
perform periodic backups (1 or more times a week). The database is small and
I have a fast connection so the speed isn't a problem. I would like the
backups to be automated. I have a linux server where I'd like to store the
data, I'm not sure if this can be done? How do users backup?
> Thanks
> Di|||Thank you very much. I appreciate all your help.
I may be missing something, and I am new to MSSQL. My access to the host run
ning MSSQL is limited. It's a web host account and I only have access using
Enterprise Manager on my workstation. I haven't got access to Windows server
s to run an agent at my end
and I can't on the host either because I don't have the permssions.
It looks like I will need a Windows server to do this?
Thank you.

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